AI Tools for Teachers

Rachel Arthur writes

Overwhelmed by the ever-growing list of AI tools? No need to stress – we’ve done the work for you! Our blog rounds up the latest and greatest innovations, organised specifically for teachers.

Given that around 2000 new AI tools were launched in March alone, it’s nearly impossible for teachers to stay updated on the latest and greatest tools. After all, we want AI to lessen our workload, not add to it with constant innovations. To help, I’ve compiled a list of the best AI tools for teachers, categorised and summarised below. Stay tuned for more blog posts where I will be testing and comparing these tools, but for now, this serves as a landscape review!

Disclaimer: Please be aware that the list of tools below is not exhaustive and is based on recommendations, online research, and other blogs. I have been given some free trials to access the tools listed…

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